What does one generation expect from the next? What legacy will be inherited? Can the experiences of young people today still be compared with those of 50 years ago? And what about…
03. – 05.05.2025
30. – 31.05.2025
20. – 21.06.2025
09. – 11.10.2025
What if everything falters? What if it cannot go any further? In March 2021, the 400-metre-long and almost 60-metre-wide container ship Ever Given ran aground on an embankment of…
Can puppets be seen as the predecessors of artificial intelligence? Where is the boundary between the visible threads of that original avatar, the puppet, and the algorithms of an…
07.09.2024 – 29.06.2025
This piece is an experiment, conducted anew in every performance. It revolves around the human brain and its relationship with the body. The audience is an essential part of the…
27. – 30.03.2025
Alexander the Great, the Chinese physician Li Wenliang, Napoleon and Greta Thunberg never had anything to do with one another. And yet: They were or still are considered heroes or…
No culture or epoch has yet managed without heroism or the need for heroic figures. Even in "post-heroic" societies, they have by no means disappeared, even if their form and character…
Retourenkette ist eine Stadtraum-Etüde für 25 Teilnehmer*innen, die vom Mariahilferplatz ausgehend einen roten Faden durch die Innenstadt spannen. Passant*innen und Teilnehmer*innen…
Der Markplatz Amazon umfasst mehr als 355 Millionen Produkte – und täglich kommen zahlreiche dazu – ein endloser Tanz der Waren- und Wunschproduktion rund um den Globus, verschickt…
This piece is an attempt to simulate the establishment of an impossible embassy. How would we imagine a territory that is not officially recognised as a state and yet comes to life…
Als „Die Judenbuche“ 1842 erschien, geschah dies mit dem Untertitel „Ein Sittengemälde aus dem gebirgichten Westfalen“ und erzählte bereits aus einer fernen Vergangenheit.…
Shopping malls and zones are changing, "stay in your cave, guys!", shout the advertisements of the last-mile courier services, and even supermarkets are perpetuating and speeding up…
Lights on, stage cleared! In theatre, people step into the light for the audience to watch and identify with them. But what about those who avoid the spotlight? Where to put concerns…
“Not on purpose - just Tourette’s,” Christian Hempel hastily sends ahead when he is around people. His rants and motor outbursts are not controllable. They are reactions to the…
‘All right, I’ll do the test once more, to make certain’, says Azdak the judge, before he asks the child to step once more into the chalk circle and calls again on the two mothers…
Two mothers offer themselves, vie for a relationship, a title, a task, a value – which one should the child choose? And who else is offered for selection? The performers of Theater…
Wer bist du, wenn du mir fehlst? Wer sind wir, wenn wir uns selbst abhandenkommen? Wenn eine Person konkret oder im übertragenen Sinn in Auflösung begriffen ist? Körperlich nicht…
Why does it seem easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of Amazon? How many tonnes of goods actually travel around the world every day? What is a data lake? Just what…
How can we approach the landscape without distancing ourselves at the same time? What if art did not imitate nature, but allowed us to experience it? Caroline Barneaud (Théâtre…
Berlin, 24 July 2020. Over 100 trucks roll towards the Brandenburg Gate. Large banners are attached to the tractor units. "Stop price dumping", they say. And: "Save the transport…
For the first time, a whole series of original works by Rimini Protokoll will be made accessible in an exhibition for several months and placed within the context of other works.…
A Statistical Chain Reaction 100 citizens that represent their city in 5 criteria, a sample, a cross-section of the society, always assembled into ever changing new group pictures…
When "Die Judenbuche" (The Jew's Beech) by Annette von Droste-Hülshoff was first published in 1842, it was in 16 parts for a journal and had the subtitle "Ein Sittengemälde aus dem…
What happens when theatre leaves not only its building but also the city? What is hidden behind the landscape? Is it possible to be in nature without exploiting its resources or…
Should artificial intelligence be regulated? Do we need animal testing? How do we succeed in saving the forest? Is genetically modified rice a blessing for humans? These questions…
The Netherlands are one of the largest exporters of milk and dairy products in the world. China is one of the biggest markets. The Holstein-Friesian cow is one of the most productive…
School Visit Europe is a performance you can put in your hand luggage - big ideas are rarely presented so intimately. What is Europe actually? Is it a geographic border, a cultural…
MH370 was an international scheduled passenger flight operated by Malaysia Airlines. On March 8, 2014, the Boeing with 227 passengers and twelve crew members took off from Kuala Lumpur…
A Statistical Chain Reaction 100 citizens that represent their city in 5 criteria, a sample, a cross-section of the society, always assembled into ever changing new group pictures…
MH370 was a scheduled international passenger flight operated by Malaysia Airlines. On March 8, 2014, the Boeing with 227 passengers and 12 crew members took off from Kuala Lumpur…
This book is a journey: to places of inspiration, backstage, archives, notebooks, text worlds and thus through the more than 120 productions (theatre, radio plays, films, installations,…
For 34 years, the Archaeological Museum Frankfurt has stored 513 grey archive boxes in its depot. 105 of them bear the inscription "Börneplatzsynagoge", the others are labelled "Judengasse".…
This stage is a stage of questions. Questions are what opens up a space between us. They open up a stage between us on which we can explain our parts Are there questions…
In 2008, for the first time in the history of humankind, there were more people worldwide living in cities than in the countryside. And in the year 2050, this proportion will increase…
There is a crisis! And in times of global crisis, it's all about global cooperation. Nevertheless, this time the crisis is being dealt with locally - on behalf of the world: at a conference…
How can we understand an animal whose intelligence is radically different from our own? How can we create a relationship with nature without appropriating it? And who is watching whom?…
How can we understand an animal whose intelligence is radically different from our own? How can we create a relationship with nature without appropriating it? And who is watching whom?…
A Statistical Chain Reaction 100 citizens that represent their city in 5 criteria, a sample, a cross-section of the society, always assembled into ever changing new group pictures…
The pandemic emergency brought about the division of social components into systemically essential and systemically non-essential. That on which our survival depends has been separated…
To celebrate China's 70th anniversary, 15,000 soldiers marched across Tiananmen Square, nuclear intercontinental missiles were driven through the streets, while military helicopters…
The Beethovenhalle on the Rhine was one of the first representative buildings of the post-war period and a landmark of the young German Federal Republic. Modern and transparent in…
A show to re-open stages after the restrictions. Now that we meet again - times have changed. The weeks that we did not know much about what happens outside our four walls. Now…
Who is there on the other end of the service-line? How do invisible workers look? What does outsourcing mean in the times of Corona? Can an Indian home be turned into a call centre? …
In 1919, Marcel Duchamp sent instructions for an artwork from Buenos Aires to his sister by way of a present. Suzanne Duchamp was asked to source a geometry textbook and suspend it…
The theatres have been empty for months. Performances in front of filled halls are prohibited until further notice. On the other hand, exhibition visits by individuals are allowed.…
It is in every passenger aircraft at every seat - the current version of the internationally coordinated safety instructions for air travelers regarding a number of foreseeable but…
The endless worksite at the Berlin airport, the interminable A3 motorway project in Italy, the squabbles around the future Lyon-Turin tunnel, the football stadiums in Qatar, the huge…
A Statistical Chain Reaction 100 citizens that represent their city in 5 criteria, a sample, a cross-section of the society, always assembled into ever changing new group pictures…
"Scientists have agreed that the intersection between past and future events, the now, is a time period of three seconds", 84-year-old Ulrike Falke read out on stage of our first project…
“On May 25th, 2001 Simone S. is given an envelope in a massage salon in Munich. In it, she finds a Walkman. She follows the voice step by step through Munich and is never seen again.…