Ungunstraum - Alles zu seiner Zeit

By Haug / Droß / Wetzel

The UNGUNSTRAUM project (1995-1998)

work in progress in 17 site specific stages and miscellaneous side works.

HAUG/DROSS/WETZEL started in January 1995 from Giessen with a series of shows, that lasted up to 1998. The singular pieces were designed as stages in an ongoing process. The pieces of work where developed site-specific and could only be shown at the places they have been created for.

UNGUNSTRAUM was a Memory-Machine for travelling, that went on trips itself as well, a model for travelling, the visited regions were documented, the maps were used again to create spaces which were to be experienced in a different way, where the piece could take place.

Whereas we ourselves were performing within the first stages, the centre of the project shifted more and more towards pieces where other peoples’ lives and working spaces were integrated and documented.

During all performances which were created for conventional theatre spaces, burning candles were installed in front of the bass speakers. The candlelight was extinguished through the bass trembling movement. Within the second performance, the theatre brought up the question of public security already and firemen were integrated within the play in order to take care of the ‘open fire’. This marks out the starting point of working with the so-called Ready-Made-Perfomers on stage.

It is just the way it is and still it is somehow different; doubts are arising, on which foundation the piece of work is based, asking where does reality end – where does theatre begin.


crisis of a flying camera and final reprise of OS version 1.0.

1998 Filmabend für Haus und Hof Mainz

a growing circle of photographic viewpoints out of living rooms

1998 Bekanntenkreis (Esslingen a. N.)

power supply management for the whole town as a theatre

1998 Bei wieviel Lux schalten Wurst und Krause das Licht ein? (Frankfurt am Main)

a panorama of 140 one-eye-stages featuring the inner city circle

1997 Fernsehreif (Giessen)

making of a city map park out of 248 pedestrians road sketches

1997 Etappe: Etikettenschwindel (Marbach a. N. )

slide show documenting the guided city tour for a slide projection screen

1997 Etappe: Rumpeldipumpel (Berlin)

a traditional choir in the castle broadcasting live the action outside in the park

1996 Etappe: Alibis (Rauischholzhausen)

for the last time developing the stage performance as an operating system (vers. 3.1.2)

1996 UNGUNSTRAUM Alles zu seiner Zeit / Etappe: Zu schön, um wahr zu sein (Frankfurt/M.)

journey from here to now within less than 48 hours (OS 3.1)

1996 UNGUNSTRAUM Alles zu seiner Zeit / Etappe: [tet] (Nanterre)

performance OS version 3.0

1996 UNGUNSTRAUM There’s a time and a place for it all / Etappe: Now we go step by step (Amsterdam)

installation of 1000 addresses within the walls of a water barrage

1996 UNGUNSTRAUM Alles zu seiner Zeit / Etappe: Die Katze im Sack (Eupen)

split performance lecture via phone connection

1996 UNGUNSTRAUM Chacque choses en son temps / Etappe: Living in a Cargo-Box (Lyon / Giessen)

performance OS version 2.0. (installing a person with A/V plugins in a box)

1996 UNGUNSTRAUM Alles zu seiner Zeit / Etappe: Piraten: „Piraten“ (Köln)

performance OS version 1.5 (journey up and down)

1996 UNGUNSTRAUM Chacque choses en son temps / V. Etappe: do you copy (Montpellier)

performance OS version 1.4 (stuck in the middle)

1996 UNGUNSTRAUM Alles zu seiner Zeit / IV. Etappe (Mainz)

performance OS version 1.3 (Odyssey)

1995 UNGUNSTRAUM Chacque choses en son temps / III. Etappe (Nanterre)

performance Operating System version 1.2 (around the world in 80 days)

1995 UNGUNSTRAUM Alles zu seiner Zeit / II. Etappe (Giessen)

Journey from Giessen to the Chinese Wall and back within one performance

1995 UNGUNSTRAUM Alles zu seiner Zeit / I. Etappe (Giessen)

Flankierende Arbeiten / sideworks (selection) / Miscellaneous:

live at HOEKSTEEN. may to december 1996. monthly video releases at freestyle TV-magazine HOEKSTEEN (Amsterdam). (3-10’).

I FOR MY PART (1/3, 1/3, 3/3).

Three one - minute video performances. VI. Festival Mundial do Minuto, São Paulo, Brasil.

November 1996.

Live at Cellular Buddies.

Daily pirate broadcasts from Giessen to Berlin via telephone on public loudspeakers. All words of today’s TV news (Tagesschau) cut into alphabetical order (6 x 5 minutes).

September 2nd-8th 1996.


Werkstattbühne Darmstadt. Mourning Movie in the loving memory of our first High 8 camera which died from art overdose. 1st video night at Staatstheater Darmstadt (7’).

November 1996


Video (20’) for the »Time Show« (Bart Oomen), Amsterdam, Felix Meritis Theater and New York (Mama via Internet), Amsterdam Cablecast and Internet.

1996, dec. 22-24..

Wie funktioniert das überhaupt

Performance Lecture within the context of a seminar by Markus Wessendorf, at our homebase. Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft, Gießen.

1997, Jan. 9th.

Neue Maßnahmen zur Gewaltprävention

Geislingen/Steige, Lindenschule. Workshop with 15 pupils aged around 12, from several schools of the town, on agression and its’ transformation into action.

1997, feb. 24-26

ÜBER DAS HDW-VERFAHREN (sich Gedanken machen über die Schwierigkeiten des Personen- und Güterverkehrs in einem Land mit extremen Ungunsträumen).

Munich, Gasteig. Performance lecture at Identa 97 convention on „phantoms“.

1997, nov. 2nd.