

By Christine Wahl (Hrsg.)

Rimini Protokoll – welt proben
Postdramatisches Theater in Portraits. Band 4

160 Seiten, zahlr. Abb., Broschur, Fadenheftung

ISBN 978-3-89581-560-7
12,90 €

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Herausgegeben und mit einem einführenden Essay von Christine Wahl, Interviews mit Rimini Protokoll von Barbara Ehnes, Matthias Lilienthal und Kee Hong Low, zahlreichen farbigen Abbildungen und einem Werkverzeichnis.
Die Reihe »Postdramatisches Theater in Portraits« der Kunststiftung NRW widmet sich der Entwicklung einer neuen Theaterästhetik seit den 1990er-Jahren. Die Geschichte von Akteur*innen des postdramatischen Theaters im deutschsprachigen Raum wird erstmals in Form von Monografien erzählt. Herausgeber*innen der Reihe im Alexander Verlag Berlin sind Florian Malzacher, Aenne Quiñones und Kathrin Tiedemann.


Rimini Protokoll 2000-2020

By Haug / Kaegi / Schipper / Wetzel

This book is a journey: to places of inspiration, backstage, archives, notebooks, text worlds and thus through the more than 120 productions (theatre, radio plays, films, installations, ...) by Rimini Protokoll. It is also an attempt to summarise the oevre after twenty years of artistic collaboration in groups of works, to lay new tracks - not just to document them chronologically but to watch the sparks fly. Edited by Imanuel Schipper, long-time companion and dramaturge of many Rimini Protokoll productions.
Editor: Imanuel Schipper
Hardcover 421 pages
With over 2000 photos
Text excerpts from 80 productions

Publishing house of the bookshop Walther und Franz König
Published Sept 15 21
ISBN 978-3-7533-0048-1
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By Andreu Gomila / CCCB

Rimini Protokoll, escultors del temps / Sculptors of Time


Based on the premise "There is no show without audience", the members of the Rimini Protokoll collective have for years radically changed  the way of understanding the theater. Except for the audience, considered a "partner", they practice nothing more of what is considered to be the conventional theater. Decades ago, they brought reality to the stage and eliminated architecture from theatrical action. They are considered classics in the use of new formats: they work to bring people together and to talk about being together.

“Reality has entered the scene strongly. And when I say ‘reality’ I don’t mean the news of the day, but the people on the street. The Rimini Protokoll lead them both two and a half decades ahead.”

Language: Catalan, English



By Matt Cornish

Everything and Other Performance Texts from Germany


400 pages | 20 halftones | 6 x 7 1/2 | © 2019

Buy @The University of Chicago press

In Everything: And Other Performance Texts from Germany, Matt Cornish gathers texts drawn from performances by five of the most renowned theater collectives working today: andcompany&Co., Gob Squad, Rimini Protokoll, She She Pop, and Showcase Beat Le Mot. Drawn from theater events variously described as documentary, post-dramatic, and live art, the texts collected in Everything seldom look or read like plays—some comprise rules for improvisation; others could best be described as theatrical scenarios; a few are transcripts; one includes a soup recipe. Yet amid these dramaturgical tests and trials, one finds poetry: heartbreaking stories of disability and triumph as well as strange, disjointed fairy tales interrupted by communist songs.
This volume is an extension of the original theatrical experiments. For the reader, the texts are calls to action. They ask one to do things: watch the news, listen to music, make soup, and dance. While the groups do not mean for actors to repeat the words printed here, they invite the reader to adapt their ideas and rules to make their own entirely new productions.


By Rimini Protokoll

Granma. Metales de Cuba / Trombones from Havana

Program book

7 Euro

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By Imanuel Schipper (Hrsg.)

Series State 1-4

Phenomenon of Post-democracy


Editor: Imanuel Schipper
Paperback with 204 pages
Size: 260 x 210 mm
ISBN 978-3-95749-133-6
With numerous colored illustrations
27,- Euro
Publisher: Theater der Zeit
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In four theatre productions (Top Secret International, Society under Construction, Dreaming Collectives.
Tapping sheep and Davos: State of the World) shows Rimini Protocol interactive scenic results of a research trip along the edges of the democratic legitimated state. Diary entries and snapshots provide insights into the production process. Impressive photos of the performances from unusual perspectives and excerpts from the scripts document the unique methods of dealing with the audience. Sociological, philosophical, media-scientific and political essays (by Ganga Jey Aratnam, Lukas Baerfuss, Timon Beyes, Matthias Fuchs, Dieter Läpple, Gabriela Muri, Imanuel Schipper and Hannah Trittin) pose the questions together with Rimini Protokoll: what is true about the fear that PR strategists and privately funded advisory and advocacy teams snatch the control of an increasingly global acting society from the hands of its politicians? Does the state in its neo-liberal form consists only of formal but weak  empty sleeves? Is democracy just a name for something that we do not want anymore - even though we actually would like to have it?
A publication by Rimini Protokoll in cooperation with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt as part of 100 Years of Now. Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media due to a ruling of the German Bundestag.

By Rimini Protokoll

Staat 1-4

Program book (ger / engl)

 5 Euro each

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By Rimini Protokoll

Nachlass – Pièces sans personnes

Program book

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By Rimini Protokoll

Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf Band 1 & 2


5 Euro

Zur Bestellung


Rimini Protokoll - ABCD

By Helgard Haug / Stefan Kaegi / Daniel Wetzel

Theater der Zeit - Recherchen 100

von Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi, Daniel Wetzel
Herausgegeben von Johannes Birgfeld
Broschur mit 176 Seiten
Format: 140 x 240 mm
Preis EUR 16,00
ISBN 978-3-943881-03-5

Die Reihe Recherchen des Verlags Theater der Zeit, in der bereits zahlreiche namhafte Künstler und Wissenschaftler auf Expedition in das Theater des 21. Jahrhunderts gegangen sind, feiert seinen hundertsten Band mit einem außergewöhnlichen Buch, in dem das Theater neu buchstabiert wird – das ABC von Rimini Protokoll.

Das Berliner Regiekollektiv, bestehend aus Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi und Daniel Wetzel, tritt hier erstmals als Experte seiner selbst auf und definiert zentrale Begriffe der eigenen Arbeit für und über das Theater: von A wie Applaus und Authentizität über Präsenz, Publikum, Repräsentation bis hin zu Z wie Zugabe, Zweifel und Zukunft.

Das ABC von Rimini Protokoll basiert auf Vorträgen im Rahmen der 1. Poetikdozentur für Dramatik an der Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken. Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi und Daniel Wetzel haben hier im Winter 2011/12 Projekte aus ihrer mehr als zehnjährigen Zusammenarbeit vorgestellt und über ihr Theaterkonzept reflektiert. Aus den Vorträgen haben sie ein ABCDarium entwickelt, eine Form, die dem vernetzten und stets in Bewegung befindlichen Denken und Arbeiten des Kollektivs entspricht. Das ABC - komisch, spannend und erkenntnisreich - lädt den Leser auf charmante Weise dazu ein, sich auf verschlungenen Pfaden durch die Welt von Rimini Protokoll führen zu lassen.

danach wird oft gefragt. Wenn darauf immer das Gleiche geantwortet wird, ist dann die Antwort nicht mehr authentisch?

in der Musik oft der Moment, in dem das größte Risiko möglich wäre, weil jetzt ohnehin schon alle auf der Seite der Band sind, in dem aber meistens das Bekannteste und Populistischste gespielt wird. Im Theater und in Poetikvorlesungen eher selten.

Leseprobe bei Theater der Zeit

Leseprobe: common | Journal für Kunst und Öffentlichkeit


By Rimini Protokoll

Situation Rooms

Ein Multiplayer Videostück /// A Multiplayer Video-Piece


7 Euro

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By Rimini Protokoll



7 Euro
Zur Bestellung

Experts of the Everyday. The Theatre of Rimini Protokoll

By Miriam Dresse und Florian Malzacher


240 pages | 296 full colour images | ISBN 978-3-89581-187-6 | 19.90 Euro | Alexander Verlag Berlin

Available at:

Elderly ladies, teenagers, unemployed air traffic controllers, talented mayoral candidates, Vietnam soldiers, counsellors, Bulgarian longdistance lorry drivers, Indian call centre workers – "real people" are always at the centre of Rimini Protokoll's directorial work. Experts of their daily lives, they are the defining aspect of the documentary work of Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi and Daniel Wetzel. It is rare that the clash between fiction and reality is made so clear, and simultaneously so emotional and playful, as in the theatre of Rimini Protokoll.
In this volume, journalists, academics and artists present and reflect upon the stage productions, as well as the site-specific works, audio tours and radio pieces of the successful trio of directors. With numerous colour photographs and a complete catalogue of works.

Articles by Eva Behrendt, Miriam Dreysse, Ehren Fordyce, Heiner Goebbels, Hans-Thies Lehmann, Florian Malzacher, Annemie Matzke, Tobi Müller, Priyanka Nandy, Matthias Pees, Rimin Protokoll, Kathrin Röggla, Jens Roselt und Gerald Siegmund.

Co-produced by Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft (Universität Gießen), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), National Theatre School  Continuing Education (Copenhagen), Project Arts Centre (Dublin), PuSh International Performing Arts Festival (Vancouver)

Kindly supported by Pro Helvetia