By Daniel Wetzel

online, NYU Abu Dhabi
09.12.2020 12:00

by Hana AlMakkawy, Reem Almenhali, Smrithi, Emilia, Natalia Tuszko. Guided by Daniel Wetzel

Presentation of Daniel Wetzels DIRECTING class at the Theater Faculty of the NYUAD - New York University Abu Dhabi. 

December 09, 2020, 12AM (Abu Dhabi)

And we’ve been working together for 50 hours and never sat in the same space or time zone. And we have made multiple mistakes, and in that we have learned something new. And we

to our home being our stage. And we are theater makers. And we were our own audience and critics, and now we invite you to share this experience with us and because we are theater no matter where we meet and act. And with you, we will revisit memories through movement, we will be mourning Mina, or making a paper crane in this memorial service to Mina Zayed Port, we will be bringing Poland’s abrotion protests to our platform and we will track your history. And you will see everything that is zoomanly possible.