Concept workshop: third places in rural areas

By Daniel Wetzel

online, Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e. V. - Labore - "Landarbeit" / "Arbeitswelten"
14.12.2022 18:00

[automated translation from German:]

Dealing with the circumstances, spatial, historical, utopian backgrounds and usage habits of a non-theater location offers the opportunity to create something new and promising, especially in rural areas, and to expand one's own working group and audience.
The concept of "third places" is currently the subject of much discussion - especially for structural and transformation concepts in rural areas. "Third places" as an opportunity for diverse cultural offerings in a region: a place that is neither work nor family nor home, nor shop or place of service. A place that is open to everyone, that means discussion and participation and that at least partially overcomes differences.
What alliances are opening up there, with whom can a collaboration be striven for – what do you have to consider and what does it mean for artistic concepts if you also encounter a new audience? What opportunities does the expansion of one's own spatial imagination offer - who is the artistic work aimed at - what can successful concepts for such a work look like? Daniel Wetzel from the Rimini Protokoll collective runs a concept workshop at the Landakademie. This is aimed at actors who are interested in or have experience of working in rural areas and who bring a concrete concept idea to the workshop, which is discussed and further developed together. Best practice examples from the work of Rimini Protokoll will serve as practical guidance for the topics to be discussed.

Daniel Wetzel was born in Konstanz and studied applied theater studies in Giessen. In 2002 he founded Rimini Protokoll with Helgard Haug and Stefan Kaegi, whose projects have been dealing with new places/spaces and interaction models for the performing arts for over twenty years. Piece by piece, this engagement uses and expands the means of theater to create new perspectives on the reality of each location. The collective often develops its stage plays, interventions, scenic installations and radio plays with experts who have acquired their knowledge and skills outside of the theater. Many of her works are characterized by interactivity and a playful approach to technology.