
An Enemy of the People in Oslo

by Rimini Protokoll



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Name: Thu Huong Thi Nguyen
Age: 22
Area: Alna

Nationality: Norwegian/Vietnamese.
I live in a house together with mom, dad, and two sisters.

I study pharmacy at Pharmaseutical Institute, the oldest building at the University of Oslo, Blindern. I also work in Boots Drugstore at Grorud Senter.

I belong to the students, the independent, the consequence thinker, the cautious, the photographers, the donators but I do not belong to the spontaneous, the sports fans, the older sisters, the ones who wants to get married yet.

I was born and raised in Oslo. I wanted to study pharmacy, and could have moved to Tromsø. But I thought it was too far away, and chose to stay and study here in my hometown. I know the city, and my friends live here. It is safe here, but I want to move and experience something new. When I finish my studies, I want to move to Stavanger or Trondheim. The sound of Oslo is for me the sound of buses; we live right next to the bus stop.


To say that the strongest man in the world is he who stands alone, is true. In society or in a group one too often follows, silently agrees, not daring to say one’s real opinion. One does not dare to stand out. I wish I was stronger like that. I'm afraid to be held outside. I think always sticking to the majority is very weak. But of course it depends on the context.

I turned away from thinking about what I thought others thought was right, to listening more to myself when I became more grown up. My parents urges me to marry before I move out, so that I have a husband to look after me. But I want to look after myself and live alone.


To the performances at the theatre, I will take the local train from Grorud station to the theatre.