100% City

A Statistical Chain Reaction

100 citizens that represent their city in 5 criteria, a sample, a cross-section of the society, always assembled into ever changing new group pictures on a big revolving stage. Sorted according to age or address, gender, political leanings, preferred local pub, means of transport, sandwich spread, playwright and then, bit by bit, as a sea of voices, as a geometric body on 100 square metres of stage..   

Concept: Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi, Daniel Wetzel
Setdesign: Mascha Mazur, Marc Jungreithmeier
Dramaturgy (100% Berlin): Cornelius Puschke

Produced by Rimini Protokoll in coproduction with HAU Hebbel am Ufer
Worldpremiere: 01.02.2008, HAU 1 Berlin, 100% Berlin

Since then, new location-specific variants in more than 35 cities in cooperation with local teams.

Making of "100% Melbourne"

From John Paul Tansey 


Struktur und Ästhetik - Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf die Darstellenden Künste der Gegenwart 

With a contribution by Anja Quickert: “Theatrical field research: World - Reflections on Rimini Protokoll's 100 % City as a participatory glocalization format” (in German only)

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