The Caucasian Chalk Circle > radio play

By Helgard Haug

Two mothers offer themselves, vie for a relationship, a title, a task, a value – which one should the child choose? And who else is offered for selection? The performers of Theater HORA are cognitively impaired and bring their own rules with them. New ones have to be invented together. And the question arises: can the "old saga" be told by performers who will probably never have a child and are dependent on the care of others?
The radio play is being produced parallel to the production and the premiere at the Salzburg Festival.
With: Remo Beuggert, Robin Gilly, Simone Gisler, Minhye Ko, Tiziana Pagliaro and Simon Stuber
Concept, Text & Direction: Helgard Haug
Music and Technical Realisation: Barbara Morgenstern
Dramaturgy: Ivna Žic and Marcel Bugiel
Recordings: Rozenn Lièvre
Whispering and collaboration: Magdalena Neuhaus
Sound Engineer: Elmar Peinelt
Editing: Cordula Huth
A production of the Hessischer Rundfunk with the Österreichischer Rundfunk on the basis of a co-production of the Salzburg Festival with Rimini Protokoll and Theater HORA, as well as HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, Theater Winterthur, Staatstheater Mainz/Grenzenlos Kultur Theatre Festival.
First broadcast: 13.08.2023